Draxer Therapeutics

The Obesity Pandemic

In today’s world, weight gain has become more than a norm. It is a constant. In a typical African setting, it’s become fashionable to gain weight, as some people even associate weight gain with success and prosperity.

In both developed and developing countries, there’s a continuous rise in the number of people becoming overweight & obese, and the number of people staying so. It is estimated that there are close to 2 billion overweight people worldwide, and almost 700 million are obese.

What Causes Weight Gain?

Draxer Therapeutics

Scientists usually attribute weight gain to the fact that our bodies do not need all the food we eat. Thus the body stores the excess as fat. The more fat is stored up, the more weight we gain. This may happen because we have a very high appetite and/or we may have a low basal metabolic rate.

If your appetite is high or you feel hungry often, you’ll surely eat more than you need. That excess will be stored as fat.

The same applies if you have a low metabolic rate. Having a low metabolic rate basically means that your body is not able to burn enough calories from the food you eat. This also causes an excess, which leads to weight gain. That explains why your friend can eat the world and still not gain much weight, but you can gain 5 kilos by just smelling the aroma of the pizza being eaten by your neighbor next-door.

How Do You Know Whether You Are Overweight or Obese?

Draxer Therapeutics

A simple formula, known as the Body Mass Index (BMI) is the standard tool for measuring overweight and obesity. In the average adult, it is calculated by dividing a person’s weight (in kilograms) by the square of a person’s height (in metres) (kg/m2). A value below 18.5 is considered underweight; between 18.5-24.9 is considered healthy; between 25.0-29.9 is regarded overweight; and any value from 30.0 and above is said to be obese.

Why Obesity is Dangerous

Draxer Therapeutics

If at all possible, obesity should be avoided at all costs because it is somehow linked to many diseases on the planet. Either it is a direct or an indirect cause of the disease, or it worsens the outcome of the disease. For example obesity has been said to be a cause of these major chronic diseases:

  • High blood pressure
  • Type 2 diabetes
  • High cholesterol

An obese person who has any of the above diseases is more likely to develop a stroke or a heart attack, as compared to the non-obese person who also has those conditions. As a matter of fact, obese persons have a higher risk of death compared to the average non-obese person.

Obesity has also been associated with osteoarthritis, breathing problems, many types of cancer, mental illnesses like depression, anxiety disorders, etc.

By all means, then, it is a prudent and a wise course of life to avoid obesity at all costs. If you are already obese or even overweight, you need to immediately start a weight loss journey. This will surely reduce your risk factors for future diseases that are already awaiting. Even now, you will improve your quality of life if you shred off some pounds.

Here’s What You Can Do

  1. Assist yourself with a weight loss supplement.

Draxer Therapeutics

Weight loss supplements are among the most vilified supplements around. But that’s justifiable because majority of them either do not work at all, or produce poor results.

However, when the right supplement is acquired, and used either alone or in conjunction with diet and/or exercise, it is a huge catalyst for achieving your weight goals. Some of the diet plans or exercise regimens are just not cut out for everyone. Not everyone can consistently stick to them. However, it is easier to stick to a supplement that produces results. Click here to check out TRIMION – a fast, safe and effective weight loss supplement by Draxer. It is effective in suppressing your appetite, increasing your sense of fullness, utilizing your stored fat for energy and increasing your metabolism. All these mechanisms result in considerable weight loss.

  1. Implement a diet plan.

Draxer Therapeutics

Click the link attached for a list of a few you can try: https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/best-diet-plans#TOC_TITLE_HDR_9

  1. Hit the gym.

Draxer TherapeuticsClick the link attached for a list of the best exercises for weight loss:


It is important to remember that when it comes to weight loss, even the slightest loss in weight will significantly improve your current and long term state of health. So don’t give up on your quest to shred off those kilos. Give yourself a pat on the back with every kilo lost. Consistently stick to the plan that works best for you.

If you decide to use a weight loss supplement, get Trimion! You do not necessarily need to exercise to speed up the results. But exercising will still improve your general well-being. So we recommend that you do. What will speed up your results the most is implementing a diet plan. Since your appetite will be suppressed, you will not have to worry about overeating. Only be careful to make the right food choices.

Draxer Therapeutics

Lose weight today, because you win when you do. Do it with Trimion!

Solomon Ayensu (Pharm.D)
Solomon Ayensu (Pharm.D)

Clinical Pharmacist

Articles: 15

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